1939 Tar Heel League

The 1939 season was the Tar Heel League's 1st, and 6 teams competed in the league that year. The Gastonia Cardinals won the 1939 Tar Heel League championship.

Level: D
Season Began: Friday, April 28, 1939
Season Ended: Saturday, September 2, 1939

1939 Tar Heel League Standings
1939 Tar Heel League League Leaders

Gastonia Cardinals (72-36) - Roster | Statistics - St. Louis Cardinals affiliate
Hickory Rebels (48-62) - Roster | Statistics
Lenoir Indians (61-46) - Roster | Statistics
Newton-Conover Twins (36-69) - Roster | Statistics
Shelby Nationals (50-59) - Roster | Statistics - Washington Senators affiliate
Statesville Owls (56-51) - Roster | Statistics


Marker indicates city location, not venue address.


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